Since we’ve started offering professional carpet cleaning services in Caterham, we’ve been settling in and finding our way around, getting to know the local area.
Caterham’s just inside the M25, on the edge the North Downs, so it’s surrounded by beautiful rolling countryside yet has fast access by train into central London and all the convenience of being close to London’s orbital motorway. That means it’s handy for commuters and also offers wonderful peace and quiet.
As a new professional carpet cleaners in Caterham, we’ve been out and about, meeting local people, putting flyers through doors and introducing ourselves to our new customers.
We have to admit that at first we were a bit confused, as there are two Caterhams, the one that’s called ‘on-the-hill’ and the main town centre in Caterham Valley. The hill is key to the town’s history as it began life as a heavily-protected Iron Age hill fort. This is nowadays listed as a scheduled ancient monument. In Anglo-Saxon times, the whole area was known as the ‘Tandridge hundred’, and the size and number of ditches and palisades built by its defenders suggests that the area must have been at risk of attack from local tribal groups. It was probably the scene of some pretty fierce fighting.
These days the old Caterham Barracks is an arts centre. The Miller Centre houses an art gallery which is proud of its interesting collection of local works, and the East Surrey Museum is definitely worth a visit. So we weren’t at all surprised to learn about the Caterham Festival, an annual two-day programme of plays, music and dance when the main street is closed for a party.
Angus Deayton, the actor and TV presenter, went to school in Caterham and actor Bill Nighy also grew up there.
We’re very pleased to be in Caterham and look forward to making the most of all the opportunities it has to offer as we continue to expand.
Need a free, no-obligation carpet cleaning Caterham quotation? Call our friendly Customer Service team.